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Professional astrologer Stefanie James explores various aspects of astrology from the basics and up to intermediate and advanced subjects and techniques.

Typical areas of discussion will be various modern, psychological and traditional astrological techniques, current astro-weather, notable points in history, interviews, and natal chart analysis including the charts of listeners.

Stefanie is a Professional Astrologer with an international client base, Reiki Master, published writer and former Horoscope Columnist for ELLE Magazine.

Aug 19, 2022

I was inspired to record this week's episode after a conversation I had with a friend of mine who has a Pisces stellium including her Moon.

We discussed some cleansing, grounding and protecting techniques that she could use to 'protect' her super absorbent lunar placement.

I saw this great quote when sourcing the links for this episode which pretty much sums up part of what I'm saying:

"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" Nikola Tesla

Anyway, this week I discuss 'Auric Hygiene' (did I coin this term?!) and next week I'll talk about grounding and protecting and offer some tips on how to do this with little disruption to your day!

Do you feel exhausted or charged when spending time with others? What is your Moon sign?


p.s: This episode was recorded in two parts and as is always the way, this was no accident in a planetary sense. I started recording 26° Scorpio was prominent, and finished recording a few days later when the Moon was at 29° Pisces. What I find fascinating is the fact these degrees are that of my late-grandmother's Sun and Ascendant respectively, and she got a big mention during this episode!



Info about my talk for The Astrological Association Conference

Palo Santo

Cornstarch with water on a speaker

Sand on a speaker

The Universe as Frequency

In the Beginning was the Word


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